Friday, October 18, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Beloved Computer Game Available for Download on Website of Questionable Repute

Frogapult, the classic computer game from the 90s, is available for download on some weird Russian website.

I'd recommend trying it on someone else's computer to see if it's safe. 

Detailed Description of Death Once Deemed an Appropriate Topic for Children's Story

Here is an excerpt from the collection of German children's stories titled Struwwelpeter. It has been featured on 'The Office' by character, Dwight Schrute. This particular story is titled "The Dreadful Story of Harriet and the Matches."

Summary: Harriet, a small child, plays with matches. She sets herself on fire and burns to death. Her smoldering corpse is extinguished by the tears of grief from her cats (see illustration below).


Friday, October 11, 2013

Failed Headline/Photo Combination

Should you buy a Corolla or a Civic? I'll answer that question with another question: why is there a picture of a Honda Accord and a Toyota Corolla?